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Over 85 pages of femme culinary content!
%100 BRAND NEW never before seen comics from the master chef Pooka!

Pooka... the maestro chef has prepared a brand new artistic literary endeavor!  Grab your copy of this innaugaral issue for Pooka Magazine!

This month's issue features some delectable main courses...
"Playmeat of the Month." Pooka's spoof of a Playboy playmate spread. It stars a gorgeous brunette named Giovanna Breschi, who serves as, (and gets served as), our June centerfold.
"Sandwitches." An expose on the new 'hot-sand' method of cooking women that was first introduced in 'the contest' section of Femme Grade Prime. It takes us through the entire process of putting a girl into the special chamber, filling it with sand, and baking her in an active or standing pose.

"Dinner conversation" Your dinner date takes her place on a platter, and regails you with the stories of her many roommates, and how they were cooked and served.

"Piece of the Month" Here we focus on a particular section of a woman, and put that cut of meat through preparation, providing a tasty recipe. This month we prepare 'apple-cranberry stuffed girl haunch'.


Recipes, Joke page and much more!
Find it all inside this issue of...