“All live action models portrayed have been actors, of legal age and have performed according to their own free will. All characters portrayed in cartoons on this site are of legal age.We do not condone real violence or exploitation. Please have fun here and understand that it is only fantasy.” By entering, you agree to the terms below:
*Ahead lay visual images, audio sounds, and verbal descriptions of a sexually oriented and frankly erotic nature.
*This site was designed to be used and viewed solely by people who are at least 18 years of age, or who are otherwise legally considered to be of adult age depending on the community in which they live,who wish to access materials that are visually graphic in nature including portrayals of nudity and sexual acts.
Very good recipe, we are impatient to see the next
Pleas final!!
This was a nice comi so far! I can’t wait to see what’s next ♥
I love how the 3D models are done! So clean and smooth and those expressions 11/10
Love it…Big Story with a nice end….wonderful 🙂