Bound In Space! Part 1 and 2

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Bound in Space Part One:

This kinky sci fi two-part tale features the tasty, petite and peril-plagued Pristine Edge as ‘Rose’. Rose finds herself suddenly captured by the diabolical Alien Overlord, (Voice by Gavin Steele) and his earth slave Agatha. Rose is confused and afraid as she is told that she is to be enjoyed by a superior species. As Rose is transported to the other world, Agatha, who is already brainwashed and collared with a hangman’s noose, is instructed by the Overlord to handle and prepare Rose for a special ceremony. Agatha grins wickedly as she explains to rose that the ceremony is an alien feast and Rose will be the main course. The Overlord dominated both earth women and then zaps a noose and earth slave uniform onto helpless Rose. Rose snaps out of her trance and is still perplexed as she asks where her clothes are, still clinging desperately to her humanity. But her fate is to be turned into an object and sustenance for the alien race. The Overlord instructs Agatha to determine Rose’s sex drive and Agatha is made to stimulate helpless Rose as she begs, trembles and whimpers. Agatha warns Rose nott to cum, but being an Earth woman, rose has little control as she lets it go and cums like crazy as Agatha stimulates her clit and  the noosed slave girl. This pleases the Overlord. Rose will be a perfect feast for his people. Agatha tried to be fair and warn Rose, but is happy…this will buy Agatha more time before SHE becomes the main course, too. Now it is time to put Rose through the brainwashing and tenderizing process before she is cooked alive. Rose is placed in a special stimulating spit machine. Rose is zapped by a special pain ray to soften her flesh and make her fully submit to her fate.

Bound in Space Part Two:

The punishment continues as Rose is zapped continuously in her tight little pussy. Her lady parts start to cook and smoke in the cruel machine. Rose is then placed in a giant pan and basted with a special grease that bastes the flesh but also leaves a burning sensation, causing more pain which will enhance Rose’s flavor. Then she is given a break before Agatha makes Rose some more. But the Overlord commands Agatha to keep Rose alive. She must roast alive. The alien snaps again and puts both woman into the trance once more. Rose is easier to keep entranced now. She obeys as the alien commands her to lay supine so that Agatha can finalize her preparation, but before she is spitted, she must be stimulated, now with pleasure, once more. Agatha enjoys this, gagging Rose with an earth apple for fun before Rose is put into the spitting machine again, this time set to ‘spit’, and impaled by the pole. Rose cooks in the hot alien oven for the great feast to come. Agatha is happy her master is pleased..but will she be next?

Pristine Edge, Agatha Delicious
Gavin Steele

Agatha Delicious


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3 thoughts on “Bound In Space! Part 1 and 2”

  1. First, Pristine is my favorite of all of your actresses (except for you, of course, Agatha), so I’m glad that she is featured again. It is a nice idea to venture into science fiction cannibalism and bondage. Each film seems to be getting even better regarding props, acting, scripts, and camera work. And the ending was a nice little twist. I gave it a 4 out of 5 because of a few minor flaws which I’ll be glad to chat with you about sometime, if you’d like.
    Please do keep up the good work…and I do hope more of the Premium Members will take the time and have the courtesy to rate anc comment.

  2. Was very happy to see pristine again and i enjoyed how she was prepared in numerous positions. Theme doesn’t matter that much to me at all. One thing i like seeing very much is how these beautiful women are tasted post cooking and i think it plays a big picture in the success of the canne cafe series. That would be the only thing i would’ve added to this. Overall a great video.

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