Kaiia’s Too Tasty!

92 votes, average: 4.47 out of 592 votes, average: 4.47 out of 592 votes, average: 4.47 out of 592 votes, average: 4.47 out of 592 votes, average: 4.47 out of 5 (92 votes, 4.47 out of 5)
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Part 2 of ‘The Bashful Patient’, tasty young lesbian alt girl Kaiia Eve has been diagnosed by a kinky hot doctor, Kyaa Chimera, with a case of TT, (terminal tastiness). Kaiia does not learn what this means until it is too late. The sadistic lesbian doctor takes Kaiia to a special kitchen for ‘treatment’. This is where Kaiia learns, after being restrained, that the only cure for TT is to be cooked and eaten! There are a class of medical un-professionals who fancy themselves a cut above the general public. They take more of a hypocritical oath as appose to a Hippocratic oath. Their biggest hypocrisy is that they eat their own kind. But not just any kind…tasty women who are fit, young, healthy and untraceable. 5 out of 10 young women suffer from TT…they suffer in a hot oven before their betters devour them. These particular doctors know just how healthy and life-extending girl meat is.





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